Full view of a note about event related to education stage and academic degree

Source information and iterpretation

Information in source format/languageEvent (interpreted)
First name:Sigismundus
Person:Zygmunt z Życka (Zyczsko), syn Adama
Event type:immatrykulacja
Education stage/academic degree:---
Scientific discipline:---
Date:the beginning of summer semester 1489 — Jul 22, 1489
Comment: ---
Social origin:---
Father's name:Ade
Place of origin:Zywsko (Życko)
Event type:immatrykulacja
Education stage/academic degree:---
Scientific discipline:---
Date:the beginning of summer semester 1489 — Jul 22, 1489
Comment: ---

Full contentes of the source note

Source: Metryka Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego z lat 1400-1508. Biblioteka Jagiellońska rkp. 258, t. 1: tekst, wyd. A. Gąsiorowski, T. Jurek, I. Skierska; przy współpr. R. Grzesika, Kraków 2004.

Note fragment 1 , Page/tab number in the source: 475


Note fragment 2 , Page/tab number in the source: 475

//Rektorat Stanisława z Kobylina//

Note fragment 3 , Page/tab number in the source: 475


Note fragment 4 , Page/tab number in the source: 475

1489. In rectoratu venerabilis et egregii viri, maystri Stanislai de Cobilino decretorum doctoris, canonici eclesie* Scarbimiriensis pro commutacione estivali hii sunt intitulati infrascripti:

Note fragment 5 , Page/tab number in the source: 476

Jacobus Martini de Grodko //[89e/017]//

Note fragment 6 , Page/tab number in the source: 476

Petrus Nicolai de Chothkovo //[89e/018]//

Note fragment 7 , Page/tab number in the source: 476

Sigismundus Ade de Zywsko //[89e/019]//

Note fragment 8 , Page/tab number in the source: 476

medium snt

Uniwersytet JagiellońskiAkademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w KrakowieNarodowy Program Rozwoju Humanistyki