Abraham Socha z Borkowa

First name:Abraham Abraham (4×)
Surname:Socha Socha (4×)
Father's name:Abraham
Place of origin:Borkowo Kościelne, Mazowsze Borcho (3×), Borkowo (1×)
Place and date of birth:
Place and date of death:
Known events from period:the beginning of 1413 year — the end of academic year 1413-1414
Social origin:

Education and academic degrees

Event type Education stage/academic degree Scientific discipline Institution Date Source personal data Comment
3 immatrykulacja Uniwersytet Krakowski (Akademia Krakowska) the beginning of academic year 1413-1414 — the end of academic year 1413-1414
BJ, rkps 258 immatrykulacja the beginning of academic year 1413-1414 — the end of academic year 1413-1414 Social origin: —, First name: Abraham, Surname: Socha, Father's name: —, Place of origin: Borcho
AS, t. 1 immatrykulacja the beginning of academic year 1413-1414 — the end of academic year 1413-1414 Social origin: —, First name: Abraham, Surname: Socha, Father's name: —, Place of origin: Borcho
MUK I (1400-1508) immatrykulacja the beginning of academic year 1413-1414 — the end of academic year 1413-1414 Social origin: —, First name: Abraham, Surname: Socha, Father's name: —, Place of origin: Borcho
1 trwanie studiów/nauki Uniwersytet Krakowski (Akademia Krakowska) the beginning of 1413 year — the end of 1413 year
PSB, t. 39 trwanie studiów/nauki Uniwersytet Krakowski the beginning of 1413 year — the end of 1413 year Social origin: —, First name: Abraham, Surname: Socha, Father's name: —, Place of origin: Borkowo


No events

Works and books

No events

List of sources

PSB, t. 39Polski Słownik Biograficzny, t. 39 (1999-2000)
BJ, rkps 258Metrica seu Album Studiosorum Universitatis Cracoviensis. P. 1, inde ab anno 1400 usque ad annum 1508Kraków, Biblioteka Jagiellońska, rkps 258
AS, t. 1Album studiosorum Universitatis Cracoviensis, t. 1: ab anno 1400 ad annum 1489, Cracoviae 1887.
MUK I (1400-1508)Metryka Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego z lat 1400-1508. Biblioteka Jagiellońska rkp. 258, t. 1: tekst, wyd. A. Gąsiorowski, T. Jurek, I. Skierska; przy współpr. R. Grzesika, Kraków 2004.

Recommended citation format

Abraham Socha z Borkowa (Id: 1673588), in: Corpus Academicum Cracoviense (CAC), URL: http://cac.historia.uj.edu.pl/osoba/1673588_Abraham_Socha_z_Borkowa (Dostęp: 15.05.2024).

Uniwersytet JagiellońskiAkademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w KrakowieNarodowy Program Rozwoju Humanistyki